Daniel Pielmeier wrote:
> Dale schrieb am 05.12.23 um 18:27:
>> This is where I'm putting the patch and the patch.
>> root@fireball / # cat /etc/portage/patches/media-video/mplayer.diff
> Maybe you should try:
> /etc/portage/patches/media-video/mplayer/mplayer.diff
> as written in the Wiki. The directory requires the category then e.g.
> the package name. Within you have to place the patch file.

That was it.  I thought I was messing up something.  I missed that extra
directory.  Now it compiles and I can run depclean and get nice pretty
"Nothing to merge; quitting." message from emerge -auDN world.  Dang, I
haven't seen that in months.  O_O

Thanks much. 


:-)  :-) 

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