st 13. 12. 2023 v 23:20 odesílatel <> napsal:
> On 2023-12-13 20:32, Vít Smolík wrote:
> > okay, i think you could try deleting (or comenting, it is up to you)
> > the
> > "GPUDevice" line from the second screen section (the one at the bottom
> > of
> > the config, also, in the config, edit the resolution, it's the last
> > "Option" in the second screen section.
> > save the config, and restart X
> >
> > May the Force be with you,
> > Vít Smolík.
> Tried commenting out the GPUDevice part. No change.
> What should I set the resolution to? My laptop's screen is 1920*1080.
also, try if you can configure the monitor in nvidia settings

May the Force be with you,
Vít Smolík.

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