On Saturday, 23 March 2024 17:33:17 GMT Dale wrote:
> Peter Humphrey wrote:
> > On Saturday, 23 March 2024 15:08:56 GMT Peter Humphrey wrote:
> >> On Saturday, 23 March 2024 14:59:15 GMT Peter Humphrey wrote:
> >>> Hello list,
> >>> 
> >>> Has anyone tried the profile upgrade that was notified today? I tried it
> >>> just now on a small rescue system and it failed on installing the first
> >>> binary package, complaining that my disk layout was split-usr.
> >>> 
> >>> My /var is on a separate partition, for easy of file recovery, but /usr
> >>> is
> >>> not. Is this the cause of the problem?
> >> 
> >> Please ignore that.  Three seconds later I realised what I should have
> >> done: run emerge-usr first.
> > 
> > No, that's wrong too. I need to do a bit of head-scratching.
> I just did my weekly sync.  I'm currently on this profile.
>   [8]   default/linux/amd64/17.1/desktop/plasma (stable) *
> To find the profile I want to upgrade to, I look for the same name but
> with the added split-usr added, for us old fuggys who still do things
> the OLD way.  ;-) 
>   [48]  default/linux/amd64/23.0/split-usr/desktop/plasma (exp)
> If one uses systemd, look for the same thing as old but with systemd. 
> Same with no-multilib or some of the other options.  Basically, just
> look for the same as old but with the new bits you need. 
> I have a spare hard drive that I do my updates on.  It's like a stage 4
> thing that I update with a script, if you can call it that, right after
> syncing.  I chroot in and do my updates there.  If anything goes wrong,
> I just reset back to the stage 4 and try again if worse comes to worse. 
> Once done, I copy the packages over to my main system and add -k to
> emerge.  It makes updates a lot faster and stable.  Sometimes during KDE
> updates, things can get out of sync and things stop working.  Having
> packages that take a long time to compile makes that worse.  The qt
> package, LOo, Firefox etc etc.  You can be sure I'm going to do that
> with this update.  It's gonna take long enough to do the -k bit much
> less the actual compile part.  I seem to recall we have to do a emerge
> -e world with this.  o_O
> I hope that helps you pick the correct one.  I been concerned about the
> switch too.  It's easy to mess up something. 
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

I suggest it would be best to take heed of the devs hard work and read the 
instructions they have provided instead of winging it:


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