Michael wrote:
> On Saturday, 23 March 2024 20:45:03 GMT Dale wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I'm doing this in a chroot.  This is *not* my live system.  This is the
>> mount info, in case it matters. 
>> <<<SNIP>>>
>> I saw where Peter mentioned in another thread gcc failing with no error
>> message for him.  This could be related.  A solution to this may help
>> more than just me.  I'm not sure how to diagnose a failure when it gives
>> no real error.  Heck, having a error sometimes isn't much help.  :/  I
>> might add, the errors listed above didn't stop the compile until close
>> to the end.  It did seem to ignore them since it compiled a good while
>> afterwards.  I'm including in case those errors lead to the failure
>> later on.  They could be nothing or may be a clue. 
>> Open to ideas. 
>> Dale
>> :-)  :-) 
> Hmm ... my gcc is failing on one of my installations, with no error ... after 
> it built successfully once already, as part of the initial toolchain update. 
> :-/
> OK, I'm out of ideas too.  May have to sleep on this and look at it again 
> tomorrow.  

Nice to know I'm not alone.  I forgot to mention, it wanted to update
glibc first.  The news item said NOT to let it do that and use the
--nodeps option instead.  So, the command I used had that option.  I've
since restarted it, just in case it finishes.  I'll post back if it
does.  I find it odd that it builds fine one time but fails on others. 
Strange things happen tho. 


:-)  :-) 

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