Dale wrote:
> I tried it with those options and without.  Neither changed anything.  I
> originally tried it with no xorg.conf at all.  I was hoping maybe the
> Nvidia GUI thing would adjust things.  I may try that again.  No
> xorg.conf and use the GUI thing.  That's what I use to set up my TV and
> such anyway.  Thing is, the sddm screen is HUGE too.
> I just installed a older NVS 510 video card.  It behaves the same way. 
> I think that rules out a video card problem. 
> I checked the menus on the monitor and it doesn't seem to have the
> upscale feature.  I saw other options included in their screenshot tho. 
> Just not that one.  I did try other options tho.  They tend to change
> instantly.  Most of them only affected brightness and such.
> Given a different video card does the same way, it is either a driver
> issue or a wrong setting somewhere.  I don't see anything in any option
> about scaling or zooming in the monitor.  It is a fairly basic monitor. 
> I might add, after I bought it, the price dropped.  :/   Oh, while in
> KDE, I did go find the options for zoom and magnify and disabled all
> those.  I never use them anyway.  Still no change.
> Looks like we going to have to pull out a larger hammer.  Fix one
> problem, another pops up.  What is that game, whack a mole???? 
> I'm going to put the faster card back in so we can work on just one
> card.  Beat it into submission.  LOL
> Dale
> :-)  :-) 

Micheal and I had a email or two off list.  This is what I think the
problem was.  Nvidia and KDE was clashing with each other.  I ended up
connecting both the new monitor and old LG that gave me so much
trouble.  I think Nvidia wanted to set the first port as primary but KDE
wanted to set the 2nd port because I had that monitor connected before
and it remembered it or something.  I set Nvidia GUI settings to what I
wanted but it was still making everything HUGE.  I found the settings
for KDE and actually reversed it.  One reason I wanted to reverse it,
the plasma panel on the bottom was also on the wrong monitor.  It was on
port 2, the old LG monitor, and I wanted it on port 1, the new Samsung
monitor.  That's how I want it when I switch rigs as well.  Anyway, when
I set it in KDE backwards, the mouse and such got a little weird.  I had
to figure out how to get from one screen to another.  You may want to do
that before changing settings.  Once I set it up backwards, I hit
apply.  I think it had a confirm box for this which is why you need to
know how to get the mouse pointer from one display to the other.  After
I did that, I checked Nvidia and it still had the same settings for
where displays were.  I then went back to the KDE settings and set them
correctly.  I set Samsung as primary, new monitor, and LG as Right of
Samsung.  I hit apply.  The screens blinked, plasma moved to the Samsung
monitor and that HUGE problem went away.  Things are larger but just
because it is a larger monitor.  Basically, it is as it should be. 
Oddly, the old LG monitor works pretty well now too.  ROFL

If I had the new monitor and used it from the beginning, it might have
just worked.  I think KDE remembered it and insisted on making it
primary instead of what I was telling Nvidia.  Setting it backwards and
then setting it the correct way forced KDE to rethink the settings. 
This may be a rare problem to run into but if someone reading this ever
recycles a system and connects things differently, this may help. 
Forcing KDE to do something backwards and then setting it to the correct
way just may force KDE to forget previous info and work like you want it

I'm still trying to decide if I want to keep using the splitter or not. 
I could bypass the splitter and connect directly to a video card port. 
I'm just not sure why I should rework my cabling tho. 

Thanks to all for the help, Micheal and Mark for sure.  I hope this info
will help someone else tho.  When one of us beats something into
submission, we can all learn from it.  It's why I read almost every post
on this list.  It just might come in handy one day, if I remember what I
read.  LOL 


:-)  :-) 

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