Frank Steinmetzger wrote:
> Am Sun, Jul 07, 2024 at 04:12:11PM -0500 schrieb Dale:
>>>> It's hi res and a good deal.  :-D 
>>> Please define hi res. Full HD at 32″ is definitely not hi res. ;-P
>>> It’s about as much as CRTs back in the day, close to 1024×768 at 17″.
>> Well, I still consider 1080P hi res.  That's what I get for any monitor
>> or TV I buy.  The biggest thing I have is a 32" tho.  My rooms are kinda
>> small.  No need for a 60" TV/monitor. 
> Well my TV sits over 4 m (that’s 13 feet for the imperialists) away from the 
> sofa. So I splurged and got myself a 65″ one.

Well, I saw on a website once where it gave info on distance, monitor
size and what you are watching can factor in too.  It claimed that a 32"
is the ideal size for my room.  Given my old eyes tho, a 42" might serve
me better.  Thing is, I'm bad to watch old videos from the 80's, 70's
and even 60's.  Most of those are 480P or if lucky, just a little higher
resolution.  With those, monitor size can make videos worse.

My neighbor has a massive TV.  I think it is at least a 60".  He's
talking about a even larger one. Anything he watches has to be very high
res, above 1080p for sure.  UHD and 4K come to mind.  I'd hate to know
he wanted to watch a old TV series like Combat that was made in the 50's
I think and is usually in 360P at best.  Could even be 240P. 

>>>> Now to go eat supper.  I hope the monitor comes in soon.
>>> I’m confused. I thought the new one has already arrived and is the one 
>>> where 
>>> everything was HUGE. %-)
>> I ordered a second identical monitor.  I been wanting two monitors for a
>> while.  On occasion when I have hundreds of files to process manually, I
>> need a second monitor just to stick a file manager on and drag files
>> from one directory to another but being able to see both at the same
>> time.
> I’ve never grown accustomed to multi-monitor-setups. I’ve always used just 
> one (a habit from my long laptop days). Instead I multitask with virtual 
> desktops (as you do) and with teminal multiplexers.
> At 70 DPI, I recommend the terminus font, a bitmap font which is very 
> readable at small sizes and allows you to get lots of information on the 
> screen.

I prefer a single monitor 95% of the time.  I'm fine with the TV part
since I almost view it as a separate thing.  I've even thought of
building a Raspberry Pi and using that to drive my TV with from a NAS
box.  That 5% of the time tho, I wish I had two monitors.  I might add,
I'm up to 18 virtual desktops.  Yes, at times, I have something on
almost all of them.  With the new rig and it having more memory, I'll
likely have 13 of those in use at all times with one more as my parking
desktop.  I have gkrellm on it and that is where I park when I'm not
sitting in the chair.  I can see gkrellm and monitor what is going on,
updates etc.  I use two more when I'm getting pics off my camera or cell
phone.  When I'm doing config updates, that's another desktop.  It adds
up fast.  My biggest limiting factor right now, memory in my current
rig.  Firefox, Seamonkey and Qbittorrent use a lot of memory.

>>   A second monitor will help with this.  Plus, I have a spare as
>> well.  So, first monitor is here and fixed a lot of problems except it
>> added a new one, being HUGE.  Now that is fixed as well.  When I connect
>> the second monitor, I should be able to set it up the same way except
>> connected to a different port.
> Considering that you have a thread about GPU temps going, be warned: GPUs 
> tend to suck a lot more power when running in multi-head setups.

Right now, the video card is mostly sitting at its lowest power level. 
It's also running very cool.  I don't see the extra monitors making much
difference.  I'm not going to be putting a load on that card even if I
use all the ports.  I think it goes beyond 1080P but my displays don't. 
Just that is going to make the card have less load.  Plus, that is the
fastest card I've ever bought. 

>> The biggest thing I dread right now, cleaning off my desk.  -_o
> A clean desk is just a sign for a messy drawer.

Funny you say that.  I plan to put some stuff in a drawer.  I have DVD
boot media, for those old systems where USB isn't bootable.  I mostly
use the Ventoy USB stick nowadays so the DVD stuff can be stuck in a
drawer, which I already have a large drawer full of this sort of stuff. 
That's where a lot of this is going.  I wish I had larger rooms. Heck, I
could use a 20' x 30' computer room.  If I had the money to build one of
those, I could fill it up with puters too.  ROFL 

Still can't figure out supper.  Starting to get hungry tho. 


:-)  :-) 

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