On Saturday 12 November 2005 17.11, Chris White wrote:
> On Saturday 12 November 2005 16:33, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >     The wife has finally put her foot down and said I have to clean
> > up the mess that inhabits my office which occupies our second
> > bedroom.
> I probably would tell you the same thing sadly ;P
> >     A wiki is one of the first things to come to mind. I'm
> > contemplating setting a wiki up on my trusty little
> > firewall/email/squid/dns.... server, scanning the clipping,
> > creating an entry in the wiki, placing, say, the first para of
> > the clipping in the wiki page, maybe via OCR software, and then
> > attaching the scanned image to the page. This way I can search
> > the wiki looking for stuff, the first paragraph of the article
> > will probably tell me if its the page I'm after and if so, look
> > at the scanned image for the full article.
> Yes, I'd recommend tikiwiki for that, as I know they have a file
> gallery, which pretty much does what you've suggested.  I also
> noticed that tikiwiki is generally really easy to setup.
> >     Does this sound like a suitable use for a wiki or am I wasting
> > my time and there are more "application specific" packages out
> > there that would suit my needs better? Anyone done anything like
> > this before?
> >
> >     Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
> >
> >             Andrew
> My 2 Cents
> Chris White

I'm regularly scanning most dead-tree info that comes my way, and 
filing it away. I bought a cheap HP all in one gadget (d125xi ~200€) 
that has a document feeder on top which works really well up to ~40 
pages per batch. Its operation is easily scriptable and together with 
imagemagick you can do some nice post-processing.

However, I haven't found a good OCR program yet. That is the major 
hurdle. Searchability is the really important thing. The space saving 
and portability is nice enough though, for the moment.

I heard that Adobe has a windoze only software that can do this 
reasonably well, but I haven't researched it further.


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