built 20 blade-type servers.  tyan tomkat motherboard with dual-core opteron 
processers and sata drives.  also single-core.  the single-core models ended 
up costing about a grand each, but 5 of them are supporting 500,000 web 
On Saturday 12 November 2005 20:31, El Nino wrote:
> Dear friends,
> i'm planning on buying a server for running gentoo(will b our 1st
> gentoo server) with a mail+dns server(<1000mails/per day).
> i'm looking for sata raid,amd opteron & around 1GB ram.
> has anyone built a server recently that worked?
> 1) can anyone give me a suggestions for a good(cost-effective)
> server(good with gentoo).
> --
> ...
> "The future lies ahead."
> _______________________
> < Have you mooed today? >
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> \ ^__^
> \ (oo) \_______
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> | |-----w |
> 2.6.14-gentoo-sinhalese-r1

John Jolet
Your On-Demand IT Department
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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