On 11/16/05, Neil Bothwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 15:50:00 -0500, Derek Tracy wrote:
> > The biggest reason for the reinstall was because in my contant playing
> > around with DE's and WM's trying to find one that I completely liked. I
> > had KDE, GNOME, E17, FVWM, OpenBOX (I think that is it) all on my
> > system. In all of my toying around I found out a lot about myself, for
> > 1 GUI applications make me work slower and FVWM was and is all I need
> > to make me happy. So I could either unemerge KDE GNOME and the rest
> > (which would surely leave all sorts of unneeded libs and things) or I
> > could reinstall.
> emerge -C kde-meta gnome
> emerge depclean -a

Thank you.  If this system gets over cluttered again I will do just that.

> Much easier than reinstalling, and the reason for depclean.
> > To me reinstallation sounded a lot easier.
> Reinstallation is never easier. All it ever does is hide the issues, you
> never find out how to resolve them.
> > That is what I was thinking when I switched to stable..... From what I
> > am seeing either my computer doesn't like stable code or stable does
> > not mean stable anymore.
> It's not about stable code, that is up to the upstream developers. arch
> vs. ~arch is about the stability of the ebuilds, and this is using stable
> in the same way that Debian do; not changing. An arch ebuild is stable
> because it has not changed in, usually, at least 30 days. A ~arch ebuild
> is for testing, it does not mean the program is unstable.
I can definately see your point and I have never heard arch and ~arch
explained like that.  It gives me a lot of food for thought.  Again
thank you.

> --
> Neil Bothwick
> First Law of Laboratory Work:

To give a big update.  In the original post I mentioned that I was in
the middle of doing an emerge -e world after changing from x86 to ~x86

Well after the compile completed I did a quick etc-update.. Re-emerged
madwifi-driver and ipw2200 ipw2200-firmware nvidia-kernel nvidia-glx
(I did not change any other config files) and low and behold after a
quick reboot everything was working again.

Derek Tracy

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