On Sat, Nov 19, 2005 at 11:52:24PM -0500, James Colby wrote:
> List Members -
> I have another question.  I can't seem to find the divx4linux package
> anymore.  I am trying to install it and emerge can't find it.  It also
> does not appear to be available as a use flag for mplayer any more. 
> Did the package change names, or am I just really tired and missing
> something here?

I am pretty sure it got absorbed into ffmpeg or something. I remember
reading about the change on b.g.o. sometime in the last week. To
enable it there might be a use flag you need to set, but I don't quite

"There's a new rule for simplifying equations : 
if the term doesn't fit on the paper, drop it."
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