On Thu, 2005-11-24 at 08:01 +0100, Mariusz Pękala wrote:
> Not precise enough. You need to enclose only those characters, like:
>       equery files --type ">"=vim-6.2
> or you may use backslash, like:
>       equery files --type \>=vim-6.2
> Saying that you MUST enclose the entire argument would misguide those
> who do not understand quoting mechanisms yet. You would be responsible
> for their mistakes forever! ;-)

Changed to:

$ ./equery files --type vim-6.4
[ Searching for packages matching vim-6.4... ]
!!! Invalid syntax: missing operator
!!! If you want only specific versions please use one of
!!! the following operators as prefix for the package name:
!!!    >  >=  =  <=  <
!!! Example to only match gcc versions greater or equal 3.2:
!!!    >=sys-devel/gcc-3.2
!!! Note: The symbols > and < are used for redirection in the shell
!!! and must be quoted if either one is used.


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