to me.. linux in general has always ran slow if the net connection goes out.  It might be constantly trying to access the internet.  Kinda like the a cell phones battery dies alot faster when it cant connect to a tower.  It just keeps trying til it gets something or the phone dies.

On 11/28/05, Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Our cable internet service goes out frequently (and probably even more
frequently now that winter has come to OKlahoma.)  When it goes out,
pretty much everything on my Gentoo system slows down.  It's gotten to
where just to get an application (like gnumeric) to open I have to su -
to root and shut down /etc/init.d/net.eth0 until the Internet comes back
on.  This morning the internet was out and I'd shut down net.eth0 and
then tried to run monodevelop and it refused to start giving me some
message about my PC's hostname not being set correctly in /etc/hosts.  I
checked it and /etc/hosts was correct.  Must just be a glitch with
monodevelop.  My question is what is it about Gentoo that relies so
heavily on connecting to the internet?  My network was running just fine
- just the connection between the cable modem and the internet was down,
but everything inside my router should have been fine...

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