On Mon, 2005-11-28 at 18:40 -0300, Arturo 'Buanzo' Busleiman wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Michael Sullivan wrote:
> > I don't have a full DNS server for my domain.  Each computer on my
> > network has a copy of the same /etc/hosts file.  Is there some way I can
> > make it use that for DNS lookups locally?
> Edit /etc/host.conf - it's well commented.
> dnsmasq reads and provides dns resolution based on /etc/hosts, too. 
> additionlly, check  your
> /etc/resolv.conf. a "nameserver" line should be present, if you 
> want to avoid contacting
> the internet for dns lookups, if so your system configured.
> - --
> Arturo "Buanzo" Busleiman - www.buanzo.com.ar
> Consultor en Seguridad Informatica / Dominio Digital TV - Da FOSS man!
> KTP Consultores - info AT ktpconsultores.com.ar
> Romper un sistema de seguridad los acerca tanto a ser hackers como el
> encender autos puenteando los convierte en ingenieros automotrices.

The loopback address wasn't in my /etc/resolv.conf, so I added it and
restarted net.eth0....

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