On Saturday 03 December 2005 09:04, Robert Persson wrote:
> I wasn't running it as root. The strange thing is that httrack did start
> creating a directory structure in ~/websites consisting of a couple of
> dozen directories or so (e.g.
> ~/websites/politics/www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/), but it didn't
> actually store any html or other site content, despite the fact that it was
> taking a very long time to do this and was claiming to have downloaded
> hundreds of files.
> --
> Robert Persson
> "Don't use nuclear weapons to troubleshoot faults."
> (US Air Force Instruction 91-111, 1 Oct 1997)

if there isn't any files or folders under /websites then it isn't problem with 
httrack. if mirroring goes wrong, then there at least should be project 
folder containing hts-cash folder and hts-log.txt; index.html files. sorry, 
not much help from here.

Linux 2.6.15-rc2 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
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