On Sun, 04 Dec 2005 13:24:11 -0700
Joseph wrote:

> [snip]
> > > Nick might be right. Maybe I'm looking at wrong places.
> > > What application is used to send print job to a printer?
> > > I'm sending postscript file ps with command: lpr -P printer_name
> > > 
> > > Kpdf will not open ps file.
> > > when save a print_job as pdf file and try to print it using kpdf, xpdf
> > > or gv it keeps asking for A4 size paper.
> > > 
> > 
> > Look I am more confused than ever now, tell me if I have this right:
> > 
> > 1. sql ledger produces a report in .ps format (call it report.ps)
> > 
> > 2. lpr -P printer_name report.ps produces an A4 sized printout.
> > 
> > 3. you say "when save a print_job as pdf file and try to print it using 
> > kpdf, xpdf or gv it keeps asking for A4 size paper" - what is producing
> > this pdf file? sql-ledger or something like pstopdf?
> > 
> > 4. does kprinter report.ps or kprinter report.pdf help at all?
> > -- 
> > Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >From Sql-Ledger when I select PS (postscript) + Screen it allows me to
> view it or save it as PS - postscript file.
> If I select PS (postscript) + printer, it goes directly to printer.
> I was even following this instruction (an excellent) document the
> explain some problems with tetex and ps paper size printing problem: 
> http://www.tzekwangteo.org/latex/papersize.pdf
> I went through this document made the changes he suggested, but still
> doesn't help.  I even restarted the computer, just to make sure the
> changes take effect but it doesn't help.
> When I sent the print job to a printer it keeps asking for A4 paper
> size?
> I'm already wasted almost two days on this silly problem. 

1. Go buy some international standard size paper ;-) The whole world
uses A4 except North America - oh wait that is the whole world....and it's 
probably only a couple of kilometres down to the stationers --oops
a couple of miles...

2. seriously now. does this help? 

3. how is the printer set up? is it cups or something older and more
basic? Take a look at the printer configuration.

4. Try the pdf route with acroread - it allows you to scale the
printing to whatever paper size you like.
> -- 
> #Joseph
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list


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