Hi, An idea came to my mind. I'm a proud Gentoo User, and I see day by day how portage gets clever and how my Gentoo distro does work better everyday.
I'm gonna make a very little proposal (maybe it's now developed, but I've no idea how to make it work). Since Linux Kernel has become so big (almost 300MB) I'd like to suggest something. I don't want to download newer versions of Linux kernel, because my computer does work perfectly with the current one (maybe I'll install a very later one, but I'm not going to change my 2.6.11 with a 2.6.14). I don't want portage to download them, nor install them, because always that portage downloads and installs them, I've to do an "emerge unmerge", it's a lot of space disk, and I need it. If I set gentoo-sources in package.mask, the apps, libraries that depends on it won't install, and an "emerge -vuD world" will fail, and won't update other packages. Well, if it's a critical dependance I'll have to install new kernel version, but If it is not, why?. Thanks, Rafael Fernández López. -- A la vista de suficientes ojos todos los errores resultan evidentes - Linus Torvalds
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