Joseph schreef:

Please excuse me for interrupting when I know nothing about this issue
at all, but:

I keep noticing that latex seems to supercede divps

>>>>> Sql-Ledger is using latex forms to generate invoices.  So to
>>>>> my understanding the program will be using "dvips" to convert
>>>>> latex to postscript and send it directly to printer, am I
>>>>> right?
>>> looking at the configuration file in sql-ledger it is looking
>>> for: latex, dvips or pdflatex, but making any changes to dvips
>>> makes no difference.
> if ($self->{format} eq 'postscript') { system("latex
> --interaction=nonstopmode $self->{tmpfile} > $self->{tmpfile}.err"); 
> $self->error($self->cleanup) if ($?);
> $self->{tmpfile} =~ s/tex$/dvi/;
> system("dvips $self->{tmpfile} -o -q > /dev/null"); 
> $self->error($self->cleanup."dvips : $!") if ($?); $self->{tmpfile}
> =~ s/dvi$/ps/; } if ($self->{format} eq 'pdf') { system("pdflatex
> --interaction=nonstopmode $self->{tmpfile} > $self->{tmpfile}.err"); 
> $self->error($self->cleanup) if ($?); $self->{tmpfile} =~
> s/tex$/pdf/; }

So it seems to me that rather than adjusting the configuration of divps,
"we" (meaning you, of course) should at least *look* at the
configuration of latex-- what paper size is /it/ set to??

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