On 12/5/05, Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hareesh Nagarajan wrote:
> >It turns out, that I had added an invalid line to my
> >~/home/<user>/.bashrc "savehist=100" and it was for this reason KDM
> >was not letting me login. Wierd huh? Shouldn't it not fall back to
> >/etc/bashrc?
[ ... ]
> >
> You would think it would pop up and say, "hey idiot, you screwed up one
> of my files.  Put it back or I will not let you in."  Something to that
> effect anyway.  Mine may call me a lot worse than a idiot though.  :)

Dude, why should my .bashrc affect KDM spawning a KDE session for me?
If things don't appear as they should in a non-critical path, the app
must fall back to system defaults.

I will investigate this a little more and look at the KDM sources to
figure out if this is a bug with KDM or a bug in my KDM setup.

BTW, the "buggy" line in my .bashrc was this:
set savehist=100

If I set this line, then KDM won't log me in. It I comment this line
out KDM will let me log in.


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