Neil Bothwick wrote:

>On Tue, 6 Dec 2005 21:57:44 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>By the way, isn't it true that a simple "make" will make both the
>>kernel and the modules now? Or am I dreaming?
>It is true.
I usually do a make all && make modules_install and that is it.  I then
copy it over manually though.  It has worked for me since I started
using 2.6.* kernels.


To err is human, I'm most certainly human.

I have four rigs:

1:  Home built; Abit NF7 ver 2.0 w/ AMD 2500+ CPU, 1GB of ram and right now two 
80GB hard drives.  
2:  Home built; Iwill KK266-R w/ AMD 1GHz CPU, 256MBs of ram and a 4GB drive.
3:  Home built; Gigabyte GA-71XE4 w/ 800MHz CPU, 128MBs of ram and a 2.5GB 
4:  Compaq Proliant 6000 Server w/ Quad 200MHz CPUs, 128MBs of ram and a 4.3GB 
SCSI drive.

All run Gentoo, all run folding. #1 is my desktop, 2, 3, and 4 are set up as 

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