On 01:55 Wed 07 Dec     , Holly Bostick wrote:
> Rafael Fernández López schreef:
> >> Hello, I am running a emerge -u world and there is a package 
> >> (realplayer) that keeps failing the build due to an error in
> >> package retrieval.
> Great idea, Rafael, but that may break other updates, if any of them
> (like xmms, mplayer, xine, etc) use the "real" USE flag.... which is
> probably
> what's dragging in realplayer in the first place.
> As you later suggested, using the --verbose option is /always/ wise when
> doing an emerge -uD world (myself, I use emerge -uaDtv world), in order
> to get an idea of what USE flags are being enabled (or not), so that you
> have the opportunity to make changes and keep unwanted packages from
> being emerged as optional dependencies (or make sure that wanted
> packages are emerged as optional dependencies).
> HTH,
> Holly
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
I'm having exactly the same problem. The "USE" flag "real" is what is
bringing "realplayer" in. In my case, I set it to add functionality to
mplayer. When I remove it, no attempt is made to download "realplayer".

There are two issues: first, I've seen some discussion indicating that the
"real" flag shouldn't bring in "realplayer", just the libraries necessary
to allow mplayer to play "real" media; second, the download of "realplayer"
is blocked by failure of ssl to recognize a certificate. Curiously, I can
go to the site, download the files manually, and no certificate issue

Downloading the files didn't solve the problem for me, the ebuild didn't
seem to recognize the downloaded files. Maybe I put them in the wrong
place. I was hoping waiting a few days would get the problem solved, but I
see it's still there.

Bill Roberts

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