What about things like nvidia drivers, flash and java? (Obviously I could also just look through gentoo-portage.com...). Does firefox run in 64 bit? What about xmms and full alsa?

I'm about to mess with my new system once I get the video card, it too is an AMD64.

On 12/7/05, Martins Steinbergs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Wednesday 07 December 2005 17:25, Ralph Slooten wrote:
> Harry Putnam wrote:
> > I'm about to install gentoo on an athlon64.  Is there enough 64 bit
> > software and other good reasons to use the 64 bit version?
> >
> > Although a long time linux user, I'm not particularly skilled at
> > dealing with problems (a slow learning or just thick headed I guess).
> >
> > But have cross posted this to hear from both 32 and 64 bit advocates.
> Hi,
> I'm also curious to the answers to this question ;-) I just received
> (yesterday) my new AMD64 comp, and am busy installing it too as 64bit. I
> found this link which does answer quite a lot:
> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/gentoo-amd64-faq.xml
> This does however not  say if users are successfully using 64bit
> systems, and if there are actual advantages to it (double-libraries for
> some programs etc etc).
> Greetings
> Ralph

hi, kde-3.5 desktop with 512 RAM and few webapps on local apache2+php+mysql
runs fine here.

Linux 2.6.15-rc2 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+
18:33:42 up  6:20,  6 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.08

Steven Susbauer

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