Michael Sullivan wrote:
I'm having a strange problem.  I set up a DNS server for my domain
today, and when I tried to start it, it wouldn't start.  I consulted the
log files and found this:

Dec 12 15:51:39 bullet named[7709]: couldn't open pid file
'/var/run/named.pid': Permission denied
Dec 12 15:51:39 bullet named[7709]: exiting (due to early fatal error)

< big ol snip >

The startup script drops its privileges to user named. I'm guessing it does that before it writes the pid file. To fix you'll want to add this line to your named.conf file in the options area.

pid-file "/var/run/named/named.pid";

I may have also editted the /etc/init.d/named file to point to that file as well. This might not need to be done depending on which Bind ebuild you used.

For these and other ways to fix the somewhat retarded default Bind install, like the named/bind naming nonsene, you might want to check the wiki article.


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