Mariusz Pękala wrote:

>>El Domingo, 11 de Diciembre de 2005 11:42, C. Beamer escribió:
>>>My issue is this:  The computer powered off in the middle of the install
>>>of xorg-x11.  This has happened a couple of times.  I haven't been
>>>having problems with the laptop, so I'm pretty sure the issue has
>>>something to do with power management since I built power management
>>>into the kernel, but didn't emerge acpid.
>>On 2005-12-11 17:32:46 +0100 (Sun, Dec), Rafael Fernández López wrote:
>>I can't find any sense at that issue: I can't understand what's the reason 
>>that make your computer turn off in a compilation.
>>Well... I'm afraid of temperature. I hope that's not the reason, but is the 
>>first thing that came to my mind. Maybe in your laptop (I've an Amilo Fujitsu 
>>Siemens, and when compiling OO or KDE it is really hot), when it reachs some 
>>temperature it turns off because of security reasons.
>>I cannot find any other reason.
>I vote for temperature issues too. That is my experience with some
>Aristo laptop - it get very hot very easily and powers off when
>temperature exceeds 85 C.
As it turned out, it *was* a temperature issue. But it was also an acpi
issue which was my fault and my stupidity for not reading the Gentoo
ACPI Guide.

Once I recompiled the kernel and set up ACPI with the scripts as
outlined in the Guide, I was able to emerge xorg-x11 no problem. The
laptop got warm, but nowhere near hot! :-)

The more I deal with Gentoo, the more I realize that the Gentoo
documentation is an invaluable resource and there can't be enough said
about it! :-)

Thanks again to all who responded to this thread.


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