On Tuesday 13 December 2005 20:54, Tom Smith wrote:
> I'm looking to install BIND DNS on one of my server (the first Gentoo box
> on my network) but haven't been able to locate it in Portage. I tried the
> obvious searches for "bind", "nameserver", "dns", etc, but still haven't
> been able to find it.
> Does Gentoo have a BIND package and, if so, what's it name?

Uhh, there is a bind package:

maya / # emerge -p bind

These are the packages that I would merge, in order:

Calculating dependencies ...done!
[ebuild  N    ] net-dns/bind-9.2.5-r6
maya / #   

Although personally I'd be tempted to recommend djbdns, much in the same way 
as I'd advise something like postfix over sendmail.  There's some info on the 
wiki on how to install and configure djbdns, along with links to more info:

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