michael higgins wrote:
> Hello, all.
> Some time ago, I moved my /usr/lib folder to a separate partition to net some 
> space on /. Now, I want to fix my partitions on that second drive, so I've 
> moved all the linux folders to / again. (The /usr/lib files are in a folder 
> called /usr/lib2 for now.)
> The problem I've come across this time is that so many things are using files 
> in /usr/lib, I can't unmount it. Stopping all services leaves me with my 
> login being the only thing still hanging the umount.
> So, my question is, does anyone know what will happen if I try to umount -l, 
> remove the /usr/lib mountpoint, and rename /usr/lib2 to /usr/lib? It would 
> seem that there'd be no problem as long as I don't need to log into a new 
> shell? Going the other way wasn't a problem, as I just renamed the old folder 
> and mounted the partition on a new one.
> Any suggestions appreciated.
Already solved but waiting for something to finish so here's my version:

#mkdir /mnt/tmp
#mount -obind / /mnt/tmp
#cp -a /usr/lib/* /mnt/tmp/usr/lib
#umount /mnt/tmp
#rm -r /mnt/tmp
#umount -l /usr/lib/

At this point restart as much services as possible is a good idea (but
not really needed).

The trick is done by "bind" option _not_ binding mounted subdirectory
(i.e. after step 2 /mnt/tmp/usr/lib should be empty) as opposite of 
"rbind" that bind also all mounted subdirectoryes (and is useful
sometimes with /dev)

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