On 12/15/05, kashani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>         Assuming this is a small home system I'd go with RAID 5 with maybe a
> hot spare if I have more than four drives in a normal server setting
> where reads happen more often than writes. That's more space with
> comparable performance for anything you're likely to be doing.

I would say the choice between RAID 5 and RAID 0+1 would be based upon
what you are doing.  Assuming a 4-disk array, RAID5 will require 2
reads and 2 writes for writing a single block of data, while the
RAID0+1 array would only require 2 writes.  Read performance with
RAID5 should be at least 75% of the RAID0+1 setup, possibly equal
depending upon the bandwidth of the PCIe bus.

So if you are doing something like video streaming, RAID0+1 would be a
better choice.  Web browsing, email, compiling, and typical desktop
use would be well suited to RAID5.

Also, consider that you can mix-and-match RAID levels with different
partitions.  You can create a 4-partition RAID0 array for swap, a
4-partition RAID0+1 array for filesystems that experience a lot of
writes (/var, /tmp, and maybe /usr/src, for example), and a
4-partition RAID5 setup for /root, /home, et al.  If a disk fails,
your system would likely crash (due to the swap device), but would
reboot in a degraded mode (no swap, slow performance, etc).

I wouldn't overdo the complexity here, but the above becomes quite a
bit easier to manage if you combine RAID with LVM or EVMS to manage
your filesystems.


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