Ow Mun Heng <Ow.Mun.Heng <at> wdc.com> writes:

> > > Where can I get theoraenc? I've already emerged gst-plugins-theora but
> > > no dice.

> > libtheora may contain the theora encoder you are looking for:

> Already tried that. No dice either

> > otherwise, all I found was code, no ready to install package.
> Thanks.

This link:

Shows this line:
RCS file: /cvsroot/xiph/theoraenc/theoraagent.cpp,v

which suggest that 'theoraenc' is avalable  via cvs from 
the xiph project.

I'm very much interested in encoders, theora centric or not.

Where did you read about 'theoraenc'? Is it indeed an
encoder, as 'enc' suggest?

If you find working or interesting code, drop me a line.


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