On Sat, 2005-12-17 at 16:22 -0500, PayPal Inc. wrote:
> Dear valued PayPal® member : 
> It has come to our attention that your PayPal® account information
> needs to be 
> updated as part of our continuing commitment to protect your account
> and to 
> reduce the instance of fraud on our website.  If you could please take
> 5-10 minutes 
> out of your online experience and update your personal records you
> will not run into 
> any future problems with the online service.
> However, failure to update your records will result in account
> suspension. 
> Please update your records on or before December 18, 2005. 
> Once you have updated your account records, your PayPal® session will
> not be 
> interrupted and will continue as normal. 
> To update your PayPal® records click on the following link: 
> http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_login-run 
> Thank You.  
> PayPal® UPDATE TEAM      
> Accounts Management As outlined in our User Agreement, PayPal® will 
> periodically send you information about site changes and
> enhancements. 
> Visit our Privacy Policy and User Agreement if you have any
> questions. 
> http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/gen/ua/policy_privacy
> -outside
Wow!  A cross-posted spam-thing!  I found this one somewhat difficult to
take seriously before, but when it's cross-posted I find it downright
hilarious!  While this is amusing shouldn't robin.gentoo.org have some
kind of spam filter that can filter out mail with the string "Paypal" in
the Subject line?

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