051218 Holly Bostick wrote:
> Do *not* use ACCEPT_KEYWORDS on the command line
> except for an explicit 'testing' situation.
> Either with --pretend, to see what packages are involved,
> or for a single/simple unstable package you are not sure you want to keep,
> for which Portage's automatic downgrade will not be a problem
> (because you've checked and you don't want the package)
> or for which you will immediately add the package
> to /etc/portage/package.keywords (because you've checked
> and you do want to keep the package in its unstable version).

This is true only if you ever do 'emerge world' without a '-p'.

I consider 'world' an unsatisfactory feature of Gentoo & never use it
except for 'emerge -Dup world' to get an ordering for updates
before emerging some of them individually in a weekly session.

In  .bashrc  I have 
  alias emergeu='ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge'
which I use occasionally when I don't want to 'WAIT' (tm H Bostick),
eg last week when I emerged Galeon 2.0 .

Otherwise, I keep a list of all the packages I have installed
-- something Gentoo should provide automatically, but 'world' doesn't,
& which I made using 'qpkg -I' (also deprecated for some reason)
& keep upto-date with Vim as I remerge individual packages --
& use 'esync' once a week, which not only updates the tree,
but most helpfully lists all packages which have new versions
& colors those among them which I have installed.
I then decide which packages deserve to be updated to newer versions
(eg yesterday 'man-pages' (system) & 'xpdf' (security)).

My solution to NR's original query will be (probably next week)
to do a series of 'emergeu kdelibs', 'emergeu kjots' etc
or perhaps put groups in lists in 'emergeu' commands.
My list of installed packages tells me which ones I need to remerge.

Linux is about choice, so everyone do it his/her way,
& Gentoo is about control, which is why I choose to do it my way.

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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