On Sun, 18 Dec 2005 11:13:54 -0600
LostSon wrote:

> > > Wait til Holly sees this <grin>
> >
> > No, no, Ernie, you've covered the meat of any warning I would give with
> > relation to LostSon's suggestion, but I'll say it again:
>  Thank you all for blasting me about how i do things. Im sorry I dont do 
> things the perfect "gentoo way" you think they should be done. 

Take a chill pill and listen to the advice. Using ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~x86
has been deprecated for ages, and is useful only in limted circumstances
(as outlined by Holly, whose sage advice I will not repeat).

> however I feel 
> when KDE releases a new version to the mirrors it is time to install it.

That wasn't the discussion. I simply asked if there was a simple way to
get kde 3.5 onto my machine without spending ages amending
/etc/portage/package.keywords. It doesn't call for a debate on how long
gentoo ebuilds are tested for.

> have had discussions about the whole Deep world thing and everytime i have 
> used it in the past it breaks something so i simply do not use it. I sync 
> everyday and emerge -up world my system to see what is coming in or going out 
> on each of my 4 gentoo boxes at home. I was merely offering a suggestion on 
> how to quicky get KDE-3.5 installled.

And your answer was the wrong one, simply stand corrected and take the
opportunity to learn.

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