"Boyd Stephen Smith Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Anyway I don't see those kind of files under ~/.moziila anymore.  None
>> with `chrome' in the name at all.
> *shrug* I have some, but since I installed kde-3.5 I use the only browser 
> for linux that passes the ACID 2 test.

Acid 2 test ....er ?

If you mean `konq'  I'd been trying to get used to it, but today I got
so irritated with that sorry search application I fired up firefox.

The search app just dies once its made the circuit of a page.  Open a
new page and the search thing has to have its throat cut and be born
again to start working again.  Great little time waster.  But on the
other hand its the only search app (on a browser) I've seen that
allows regex.

As luck would have it, a web page is one place I rarely need or want a
regex but I'd give up a child to have regex on google.

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