On Mon, 2005-12-19 at 17:23 -0600, John Jolet wrote:
> On Dec 19, 2005, at 4:31 PM, kashani wrote:
> > Michael Sullivan wrote:
> >> I've gotten my named server working like I want it to, except that
> >> computers outside my network can't see it.  I've opened up port 53  
> >> on my
> >> router so that extra-network hosts could use it, but they still  
> >> can't.
> >> I'm not running a firewall on my server box as far as I know.  How  
> >> can I
> >> find what's causing this?
> >
> if you are going to open up ports on your router, I would STRONGLY  
> suggest you go ahead and set up some iptables rules on your server.   
> Just 16+ years of sysadmin paranoia talking....
> > What ever you did in the last 5 minutes seems to have fixed it as  
> > an nmap against your box showed no DNS ports open originally and  
> > now it does.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ dig @espersunited.com www.espersunited.com
> >
> > ;www.espersunited.com.          IN      A
> >
> > www.espersunited.com.   10800   IN      CNAME    
> > bullet.espersunited.com.
> > bullet.espersunited.com. 10800  IN      A
> >
> > kashani
> > -- 
> > gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
> >

The router provides my firewall.  I already have ports open for sshd,
www, smtp, ftp, pop3, and imap.  Why would I need another firewall on
the PC itself?

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