Allan Spagnol Comar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was holping to find snacc ( that is a gnu tool for ASN.1 ) on
> portage tree. How can I find this file on portage tree if it exists ?

Look at emege man page.  Partiularly `emerge -s'

But you might like `esearch' better.  Its on the portage tree at:
app-portage/esearch (/usr/bin/esearch).

I don't nkow what ASN.1 or snacc is but if its a fill inside a package
you can't find it on portage.

One way to do it is find it on one of the distros that list files
inside there packages like rpm does.  Find it on google and see what
package its in.  There is a good chance the same package name or close
will be true for gentoo too.

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