On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 06:18:52 -0600, Dale wrote:

> >A lot of people say top-posting is bad too :-/

> I top posted because the previous person did.  I didn't want someone to 
> get a sore neck, like mine.  :(  I put that in my reply too.  Also 
> requested no flaming but . . . . .

You weren't flamed. Believe me, you'd have known if you were :)

> >>idea. If it is masked or keyworded, he needs to add it to the proper
> >>package.* file.

> >Indeed, using ACCEPT_KEYWORDS on the command line carries risks, only
> >use it when you understand those risks.

> He's new.  He didn't know any better than to do just what he was told. 

Which is why this sort of usage should never be recommended without
suitable warnings.

Neil Bothwick

Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.

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