Peter wrote:

Actually, I thought the version of Win4Lin in Portage was the Pro
product (bad assumption on my part) as the package description doesn't
indicate whether it's Pro or Home.

This is unclear. The 5.1.1 in portage I _think_ is the PRE 9X win4lin
versions. I don't think those packages are maintained anymore since for a
LONG time the kernel patches were absent. Then, the unofficial patcher
"pickledonion" abandoned W4L and shut down his web page. Beginning in
September, after MUCH prodding, W4L Inc. started to try and roll out
kernel patches again. However, by then, it was too late for many, like
myself, who left them.

You might consider posting a bug report to see if the maintainers for the
Win4Lin ebuild would consider upgrading the ebuild (although I _think_ I
read somewhere that W4L 9X is really the same old W4L with a different
name). However, note, there are still problems with the kernel patches, so
I am not sure the maintainers will take up the challenge as long as the
product can't work.
Netraverse moved away from their kernel-based install to an installation that requires no kernel patching. The old W4L Win9x stuff still requires the kernel patches, but the Home and Pro versions do not.
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