Hi all,

Instead of a question this time, I have an answer!

If you're trying to get ati-drivers (fglrx) to load with linux-2.6.15
its simple!  (Given the error you get is "undefined symbol: pm_register"
or something similar).

The solution is to simply:  when configuring your kernel, under "Power
management options (ACPI, APM)" turn on "Legacy Power Management API
(PM_LEGACY)".  Then recompile the kernel (recompiling modules should not
be necessary) and re-boot to this new kernel.

Now, for me at least, ati-drivers-8.20.8 loads fine!

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

The "cutting edge" is getting rather dull.
                -- Andy Purshottam

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