On 2006-01-07 10:35:34 -0800 (Sat, Jan), maxim wexler wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> OK, so I'm surfin and go to www.thocp.net/index.htm
> having truncated the link out of curiosity from 
> http://www.thocp.net/biographies/pickette_wayne_interview.htm
> The window opens way outside the boundaries of the
> screen and I can't drag the corner back. So I ctrl-w
> out of there and re-start firefox. Without any other
> input than firefox 790x565 the browser opens at
> http://eeaissy.com/eeaissy/modules.php?op=modload&name=My_eGallery&file=index&do=showgall&gid=10
> !!!
> A site I've never been to before, honest!
> Giving the dimensions to firefox doesn't help BTW but
> at least this window can be dragged back inside the
> confines of the physical monitor. 
> I did this twice, so it's no mere fluke. I rushed over
> to Yahoo to post this and the window's still OK. So,
> thankfully it's not permanent ;)
> Anybody care to hazard a guess as to what's happening
> here. Can anybody duplicate it?

I suppose now you want to unset in "Edit -> Preferences -> Web features ->
Enable JavaScript -> Advanced" all but "Change Images", or even disable
JavaScript globally... ;-)

I didn't dare to enable JavaScript, but I saw nothing relevant in the
code of that page.

Do you have any suspicious plugins, Flash, Java, any extensions? Can you
sniff (with tcpdump or ethereal) the traffic when that window opens? Is
there only one instance of firefox running? only one window?

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