with regard to the problem with sound...

Not only does xmms not play music (and throws an error), but mplayer doesn't play any sound. It will open a movie file and play it, but no sound is playing.

It seems as though their is some global setting that isn't right, or that something is going on with the driver.

On 1/12/06, Shawn Singh < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks Holly. The user can login from the console. The user's icon doesn't show in the list of users. Come to think of it, neither does my user show in the list. I can key in my username and password to authenticate, so I suspect (that since the other user can login from the console) she'll be able to do likewise....

I guess the correct question to have asked is why won't my user's show up in the list of users?

Thanks for the input.


On 1/12/06, Holly Bostick < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Shawn Singh schreef:
> Hey all,
> I recently rebuilt my Gentoo box, but have had a few problems that
> I've not been able to figure out:
> 2. Only 1 user shows up in KDE, even though I have 2 users for the
> system.

What does this mean? Are you saying that one of your users doesn't show
up in the KDM "click my little image to set me as the user about to log
in" screen (but the other one does)? Or something else?

Is the user valid? Can the user log in via either typing their name in
the Username box in KDM, or by using the button to go to a console login
and logging in from there?

If so, then the issue is likely with KDM just not having settings for
that user, or the user id is out of the range that KDM shows by default,
or that that user is hidden in KDM, the way root is by default. I'd
check out the KDE Control Center=> System Administration=> Login
Manager=> Administrator Mode=> Users tab and see if something rings a
bell there.

If the user is in fact not valid (can't log in at all) then of course
the problem is likely not with KDE-- and if you mean something else by
"only one user shows up, even though I have two users for the system",
then you'd have to tell me/us what precisely that is, as I at least
cannot even guess :-) .

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Shawn Singh

Shawn Singh

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