On Friday 13 January 2006 07:45, Francesco Riosa wrote:
> Tom Smith wrote:
> > Well, if they're /not/ mutually exclusive, another question that comes
> > up is...
> >
> > If a program is compiled with sse or sse2 support on a Pentium II, will
> > the program run slower than it otherwise would? (Some of the programs I
> > have are compiled and then distributed to servers with different
> > CPUs--P-IIs and P-IVs, mainly.)
> speaking of manually added options to CFLAGS*, not of use flags
> The only place where mathematics count on a server is encryption ?
> (notice the question mark)
> Mayor part of server software use integer math that are not so enhanced
> by optimizations.
> The code produced is less stable, and difficult to debug, this bring to the
> question: why take the risk ?
actually, mmx (MultiMedia eXtensions) , sse and sse2 instructions are designed 
primarily for multimedia and gaming type applications, which _do_ use 
floating-point math, and AFAIK, encryption is going to be all-integer too 
(floating-point math is not perfectly precise)

And, like I said earlier, if you put a program with an sse or sse2 instruction 
on a PII, the program will most likely spontaneously abort when it tries to 
execute the unsupported instruction.
# electronerd, the electronerdian from electronerdia

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