> I keep getting hard drive errors in my kernel log/dmesg that have me
> worried.  From /var/log/kernel/current:
> Jan 13 11:42:31 [kernel] hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete 
> DataRequest Error }
>                 - Last output repeated 7 times -
> Jan 13 11:42:39 [kernel] hda: dma_intr: error=0x40 { UncorrectableError }, 
> LBAsect=206696214, high=12, low=5369622, sector=206695927
> Jan 13 11:42:39 [kernel] ide: failed opcode was: unknown
> Jan 13 11:42:40 [kernel] hda: dma_intr: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete 
> DataRequest Error }

These mean the blocks are corrupt, and cannot be read.  Whatever was
on those blocks is now lost.

> On the drive.  Apparently, an error was found (details below).  I'm
> not sure if this drive is actually dying, though, as the following
> article (by the smartmontools author) suggests that one or two
> errors on a drive is nothing to worry about.  Also, the SMART
> overall-health self-assessment test comes back as PASSED.

I was able to resurrect a drive with a similar problem with:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=32k

!DANGER! the above command will destroy all data on the drive...but by
writing to those sectors you can cause the drive to remap them to
sectors reserved for that purpose.

You can then check that the drive is working with:

dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/null bs=32k

If either command fails, then it is time to replace the drive.  In my
case, that drive was still working perfectly 18 months later when I
sold it to someone else.

In any case, time to make sure you have a good backup.


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