On Thu, 19 Jan 2006 01:36:50 +1300
"Oumar Ndiaye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I installed php-4 via emerge but I am having problems getting php to
> work with mysql. After many research I have concluded that php-4 is
> not compiled with the -with-mysql option. 
> I need to recompile php-4 with the -with-mysql option and reinstall
> it. How do I do that with emerge or some other ways?

Just edit /etc/make.conf, and then add mysql to USE.

Also, emerge gentoolkit, so that in future you can just enter: 'equery
u <somepackage>' and then it will describe all USE flags available for
that package.

Tom Martin, http://dev.gentoo.org/~slarti
AMD64, net-mail, shell-tools, vim, recruiters
Gentoo Linux

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