On 17 January 2006 17:12, Michael A. Smith wrote:
> Uwe Thiem wrote:
> >*** begin snippet ***
> >
> > RDEPEND=">=net-zope/cmf-1.4.7
> >         app-text/htmltidy
> >         app-text/wv
> >         dev-libs/libxslt
> >         app-text/xlhtml
> >         app-text/unrtf
> >         dev-python/docutils
> >         www-client/lynx
> >
> >         || ( app-text/pdftohtml app-text/poppler )"
> >
> > *** end snippet ***
> >
> > Isn't that "||" a logical OR? Actually, what does the whole last line
> > mean?
> >
> > Uwe
> Just what you thought -- portaltransforms depends on either pdftohtml
> OR poppler.

So I wasn't all that much off. ;-)


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