On Sat, Jan 21, 2006 at 04:06:44PM +0100, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> > Does the group have the
> > right to execute hddtemp?
> Yep:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ ls -la `which hddtemp`
> -rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 27712 21. Jan 08:02 /usr/sbin/hddtemp
> BTW: sudo is also not what I'm after :) I'm after the
> reason, why I get that "Permission denied" message
> when I've got the necessary rights on the device file.

I get this too. stracing the hddtemp process shows that it tries to
perform some ioctls on the device and get EACCESS back, probably from
some uid check in the kernel. The check itself can probably be found but
I dont have the time for that now.

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