On Mon, 23 Jan 2006, Thierry de Coulon wrote:

On Monday, 23 January 2006 21:15, Simon Kellett wrote:
Depends a bit on what you want: basic stuff or 3d-gaming !

Basic stuff. Not into games, and I don't watch movies on my computer

Same as me then: I just bought the cheapest card with an nVidia chip,
AGP8 and DVI out at my local computer shop: ASUS V9400-X/TD / NVIDIA
(GeForce4) MX 4000 / 64Mb (but I only use 1280x1024). 39 Euros
now. Works for me :-)

You don't need a very fast card to watch movies. My Thinkpad T23 runs Xine
very well with a Savage IX.
I'd like to try X-Plane on Linux though - so I'm going to give a 6600GT a try.

Did not have good experiences with ATI however.

Thanks for your advice. As I said, I do NOT plan to watch movies. My
only concerns are (a) support for the dell 2005fpw monitor in its native
resolution (which i've forgotten but it's widescreen format) and (b)
well supported under gentoo.

Tomorrow I will try to buy a 6600GT board.
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