On Tuesday 24 Jan 2006 17:45, Manuel McLure wrote:
> Paul wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Recently I had to update about 24 packages, all went well and any config
> > files were updated.  However, I now have a problem when kde starts, I get
> > an error-kdesktop message saying "The KDE Mediamanager is not running" 
> > In the control Centre - Service Manager under startup Services the KDED
> > Media Manager has a status of Not Running.  If I try to start it manually
> > I just get a message saying Unable to start service.
> >
> > I just don't know what to try next -----  any suggestions?
> Just got this last night - the problem is that the new dbus/hal changed
> the shared library they use. revdep-rebuild should solve the problem (in
> my case it made me rebuild kioslaves and k3b.)
revdep-rebuild solved the problem
Thanks to all who replied
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