On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:12:45 +0100
Alexander Skwar wrote:

> Hi!
> Quite a number of packages support a X USE flag. The
> package that I'm right now looking at is vlc:
> [ebuild   R   ] media-video/vlc-0.8.4a  USE="alsa arts cdda dvd esd ffmpeg 
> matroska mp3 mpeg nls nsplugin ogg real vlm vorbis win32codecs wxwindows
> xml2 xv -3dfx -X -a52 -aac -aalib -avahi -bidi -corba -daap -debug -dts -dvb 
> -fbcon -flac -ggi -gnutls -hal -httpd -joystick -libcaca -lirc -live -mod
> -ncurses -opengl -oss -png -samba -screen -sdl -shout -skins -speex -stream 
> -svg -svga -theora -truetype -v4l -vcd -xinerama -xosd" 0 kB
> As you can see, I built vlc with USE=-X. What am I
> now missing? When I startup vlc, I still have a X
> GUI.

I suspect that something else has dragged in the gui part of glc -
wxwindows IIRC.

> A different example - gnupg:
> [ebuild   R   ] app-crypt/gnupg-1.4.2-r3  USE="X caps* ecc* idea* nls 
> readline static* usb zlib -bzip2* -curl* -ldap -smartcard" 21 kB
> As you can see here, gnupg is built with the flag X set.
> What has been enabled with that?

A global use flag like X has different effects on different packages.
Ususally it affects whether or not an X gui is built. However the only
wat to really tell is to read the ebuild. In this case:

"RDEPEND="!static? (
                X? ( || ( media-gfx/xloadimage media-gfx/xli ) )
        selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-gnupg )""

This indicates that if the X flag is enabled, there will be a dependency on 
either media-glx/xloadimage or media-gfx/xli

"econf \
                $(use_enable X photo-viewers) \

   ${myconf} || die"

This indicates that something called photo-viewers is enabled in gnupg
if the X flag is present. What this does, i don't know (or care) and
will leave it to you to discover. 

> Also quite a number of libraries support X, like
> [I--] [  ] gnome-base/libbonoboui-2.10.1-r1 (0)
> [I--] [  ] gnome-base/libgnomecanvas-2.12.0 (0)
> [I--] [  ] gnome-base/libgtop-2.12.2 (2)
> [I--] [  ] gnome-base/libglade-0.17-r6 (0)
> What do all of these do with X? And what would go away
> if X were disabled (-X)?

See above, look at the ebuilds.


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