--- Bo �rsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Tuesday 31 January 2006 18:09, maxim wexler
> wrote:
> > sarawak heathen #  unix2dos env-lp-test | lpr -l
> > unix2dos: converting file env-lp-test to DOS
> format
> > ...
> > lpr: error - stdin is empty, so no job has been
> sent.
> If you look at the man page of unix2dos you find
> these examples:
> Get input from stdin and write output to stdout.
>       unix2dos
> Convert and replace a.txt. Convert and replace
> b.txt.
>       unix2dos a.txt b.txt
> This means that unix2dos will only print results to
> stdout if no arguments are 
> given and the input will then be taken from stdin.
> So when you give a file as 
> an argument the output of unix2dos will be printed
> to that file. What you 
> have to type to print the results to lpr is hence:
> #  cat env-lp-test | unix2dos | lpr -l
> /Bo

Nice try. But no change: the printer makes some noise,
loads a sheet of paper then the trouble light starts
blinking. Except now the error_log is not updating

FWIW, the printer does work from winXP.

> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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