Simon Kellett wrote:

Chan Min Wai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Why The [Account Setting] And [Preference] is Under the [Edit] Menu
Where on the windows build it is under the [Tools] Menu.

Any Idea?

It is the difference between what someone considers "standard" for
Windows vs. Unix. (And it annoys me as I use Windows at work, and Linux
at home.)

<g>I believe Netscape (and even Mosaic?) used the [Edit] menu. Then along came MS and just to be different chose to use the [Tools] menu. Now firefox is converting all of the IE users back to the fold, but we all know how simple minded windows folks are so can't confuse them too much. Therefore the windows version is under the [Tools] menu. Now the unix folks have never had to deal with IE so they've been blessed all along with the preference being where it belongs under the [Edit]

Now personally I'd love to see the windows version have an option to use normal menus vs. ie-like menus. Have the windows build be default ie-like for a release
or two, then switch the default to where it belongs...

Have fun,
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