On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 23:42, Martin Ullrich wrote:
> I've now compiled 3 new binary packages for you:
> http://members.chello.at/martin-ullrich/coreutils-5.2.1-r7.tbz2
> http://members.chello.at/martin-ullrich/coreutils-5.93.tbz2
> Whichever you want to use.
> If they don't work, I've also compiled a statically linked package:
> http://members.chello.at/martin-ullrich/coreutils-5.93-static.tbz2 (12,5
> MB!!)
> ACL support should now be disabled in all packages (USE="-* nls" and
> configure-output showed that it was disabled). I don't know whether
> you should extract the package from your gentoo or from a live-cd, but
> don't forget to set the "-p" flag for extracting with tar or you might
> end up having an unaccassible version just because of wrong
> permissions.

Hi Martin

Many thanks - time differences meant I'd used Rumen's by the time I read this.  
See other SOLVED post.  Hope all this helps someone else in future. BTW 
extracted from gentoo OK not the live-cd. All your effort much appreciated. 


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