Robin Atwood wrote on 02/07/06 13:48:
> I need a device /dev/net/tun to use with hercules. tun is defined in the 
> kernel and the traditional mknode method works fine but I loose it after a 
> reboot.  After a bit of research I added:

> # tun device for hercules
> KERNEL=="tun", NAME="net/tun"

> to /etc/udev/50-udev.rules but it doesn't seem to hack it. :(
> Anybody any ideas? 

I have this in my /etc/udev/rules.d/10-udev-rules

# N.B.: Using := prevents later rules modifying parameters,
# 50-dev-rules will reset device permissions to 600.

KERNEL=="tun", NAME="net/%k",MODE:="666"

If you're not running hercules as root, you will need at least file mode
660. Also, you should set /usr/bin/hercifc suid, otherwise hercules will
not be able to create the tun device for you.

Cheers, Dave
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